Frequently Asked Questions


Your Questions Answered by Bathtub Reglazing LB Experts

At Bathtub Reglazing LB, we understand you might have questions about our services. Here are answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive.

  • a bathroom with a bathtub , toilet and bidet .

  • What is bathtub reglazing and how does it differ from refinishing?

    Bathtub reglazing and refinishing are terms often used interchangeably. Both processes involve restoring the surface of an old, damaged, or stained bathtub to make it look new. We use high-quality materials and techniques to ensure a durable and glossy finish.

  • How long does a typical tub refinishing process take?

    Most tub refinishing projects can be completed in a day. However, the time may vary depending on the size of the tub and the extent of the repair required.

  • Can you repair cracks and chips in my bathtub?

    Yes, part of our refinishing service includes repairing any cracks, chips, or other damage to your bathtub before the reglazing process.

  • What does grout cleaning involve and how long will it last?

    Our grout cleaning process involves deep cleaning to remove dirt, grime, and mold, using specialized products and techniques. The longevity of the cleaning depends on usage but typically lasts for several months.

  • Do you offer ceramic tile restoration? What does it entail?

    Yes, we do. Ceramic tile restoration involves cleaning, repairing, and often resealing or refinishing the tiles to restore their original luster and protect them from future damage.

  • How much does it cost to reglaze a bathtub?

    The cost of reglazing a bathtub varies based on the bathtub's size and condition. We offer free quotes to give you an accurate estimate for your specific needs.

  • Are there different finish options available for countertop refinishing?

    Absolutely! We offer a variety of finish options for countertop refinishing to match your style and décor preferences.

  • How do I care for and maintain my refinished bathtub?

    To maintain your refinished bathtub, we recommend using non-abrasive cleaners and avoiding harsh chemicals. Regular cleaning and proper care will help preserve the finish.

  • What areas do you serve in Long Beach?

    We serve all areas of Long Beach, including North Long Beach, South Long Beach, East Long Beach, and West Long Beach.

  • How can I schedule a service with Bathtub Reglazing LB?

    Scheduling a service is easy! Just give us a call at +15623362199 or fill out our online request form.

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